Saturday 8 August 2009

Styracasubway Painting WIP


This is a work in progress pic of a new canvas I am working on - 'Styracasubway'. I have been working really hard on commission works recently, all drawn in pen and coloured on computer so it feels good to let loose with the paints. I do however get a bit edgy and doubtful when working in paints as it is going outside my comfort zone of using a pen and line work. I have to really fight the temptation to get a posca out and stick a black outline around everything.

This piece so far is of a Triceratops type beastie made up of splashes of paint and spraycans. The gold bits are going to be subway trains. I might put a little person painting the tail train that is going between the legs.

At the moment the piece has a softness to it that makes a change from hard lines, which I like. I also like the expressiveness and movement in this piece so far, but not sure if it will work out. I should really be more confident with my paintings and only show the finished works, but I would be grateful of any comments on this to help me move in the right direction.


juliankimmings said...

looks great Andy! I agree with you, I like the softness of your paintings (no hard lines), I think they compliment your illustrations very well and for me, I prefer the added depth. They're a little more challenging as it's not immediately obvious what's going on.
I enjoyed seeing your Swallow Gunship painting progress - can't wait to see this one too.

Jill Tovey said...

I couldn't possibly give you advice - you're way better at this stuff than me, I just wanted to say I love the colours and the lose style so far, can't wait to see it finished.

View Art Gallery said...

Love the way this is developing. The softness in the brush strokes add some movement and fluidity to your style which I like. Would be interesting to see how this sits with the detail of the trains and cans as it progresses. Look forward to finished piece.