Saturday, 10 April 2010

Mural at Hotwells School WIP

Some months back I was asked to produce a mural for a large wall out the back of Hotwells School in Bristol. I went in on a few occasions to meet up with the children and take their ideas and feedback to come up with a final design. The creatures in piece are all made up of buildings and places of interest in the surrounding area of the school. Here's what I came up with....


The wall is very long, so the creatures stretch out across it. there will be hills and clouds in some of the spaces. First creature is a Chameleon -


It is made up of Ashton Court, where the balloon festival is held and the Create Centre building. Clifton Suspension bridge goes from it's back onto....


A huge Crocodile! Rather like a Rowdy Croc, but made up of the coloured houses of Hotwells and Clifton Wood. It has boats for feet and the SS Great Britain for a mouth!

Lastly, swooping down is a Cormorant made up of the school building.



The wall is huge and hopefully all will work out well with getting it done. I have made a start on it and have marked it out and added some areas of colour. I want to make the rest of the colours all quite warm in feel. Things have been a bit held up on this due to bad weather and me having a cold, but will be launching into it next week with help from FLX. Pics will be up when it's done!


Unknown said...

woah, andy. this looks excellent. can't wait to see it done :)

Acerone said...

My two godsons are at this school and they are raving about this...
Awesome work my man!
You are inspiring the next generation...


zero lubin said...

I look forward to seeing it on the wall. I thoroughly enjoy your work and you are a decent man.

Russell Maycumber said...

You have cemented yourself into these peoples memories. You have made that a very unique place...forever.

Daria Hlazatova said...

wow! this looks really great! i love your work